Wow! I totally haven't been here in forever. I guess I should put the controller down more often then. Which leads me to the following interview with a couple of IW dev's. Oy!
(The WHOLE month of December? Really guys?)
Since the game shipped a month ago, Infinity Ward has been squashing bugs and reading feedback.
Vince: Absolutely. The benefit of making a game that all of our guys love to play is that all of our guys are playing it, and they're running into the same problems that any other player is, so we want to get that stuff fixed as soon as possible.
Jason West: Yeah, the studio has been shut down for all of December, but these guys are playing the game and they want to come in on their own time to fix it and patch it. Considering that they're all on vacation, the responsiveness of the team has been pretty awesome. [Note: based on the new unlimited ammo glitch, they still have some work to do. Unless there's a Christmas miracle]
Has anything really surprised you with multiplayer?
Vince: Well, yeah .. the Javelin thing, obviously [laughs]. Just the fact that somebody picked that out.
Jason: And the infinite Care Package one is pretty impressive, I mean you have to do this, do that and ...
Vince: I could see you accidentally doing it, but then how do you figure out how to go back and replicate it? That's crazy.
December 18, 2009
Modern War-FAIR?
Posted by
Friday, December 18, 2009
August 6, 2009
The edge of space
Here's a great clip of British reporter James May taking a ride in a U2 spy plane up to the extreme altitude of 70,000FT.
Simply amazing, is what comes to mind when thinking about the physics involved with this plane each time it does this. My father worked on the U2 as a mechanic back in the 70's. Great man.
Posted by
Thursday, August 06, 2009
July 25, 2009
Is your PC prepared for disaster?
There are many ways you can lose your valuable data on your computer. Everything from malicious software, to hard drive failures. Fortunately though, there are several options at your disposal.
Whether you know it or not, backing up your data is THE single most important function your PC should be doing at some point in it's lifetime. I rank it higher than virus' and spyware because what good are all the tools you use if you store ALL of your data in ONE place?
- Buy an EXTERNAL hard drive or flash/thumb drive.
- Use a Disk Partitioning utility such as DriveImage XML to create & restore your drive's image.
One of the least performed tasks of the every day user. Windows is a truly wonderful OS, but because there are so many pc's running XP, Vista,'s also the most attacked, therefore staying 1 step ahead of the game is crucial. This is something that can take quite a bit of time to complete after restoring your OS from a disaster. Because of this, it is highly recommended to "slipstream" the reinstall process by using a packaging tool such as NLite to combine all of the Service Packs, along with most recent Microsoft updates onto a "recovery disc" alongside the OS. That way, you don't run the risk of forgetting one of the steps, and leaving yourself exposed to further attacks/port probes during the recovery.
- 1. Enable "automatic updates in Windows.
- Install and regularly run ONE of the following;"Sumo", "Update Notifier", or SecurinaPSI.
- Create a customized install disc.
Posted by
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Labels: computers
July 24, 2009
Happy Friday
Damn this week went fast. As is often the case these days. So good job to Jill for finding a potential opportunity last night. Way to be think outside the box.
So we were thinking of a little trip out west for a week or so. Maybe scout out the area and see what's poppin. The cost of living, esp: Housing, is like, way disproportiante to what we're used to down here in the bowles of America. But from what I hear, the future could be beneficial to an aspiring ACTOR! What,what,what?
So we'll see I what happens. Oh, we met a very nice gentleman today who happens to run a business on Dale Mabry. His name is Nathan and his shops only been open for 3 days and I think we were his 1st customer. And since no one is spending $ these days, he did us a nice favor that he kept referring as an "Out the door" special. So we obliged, and are glad we did. :)
The kicker is I don't even know the name of the company. But I'll post it after I see him next week.
Have a good weekend! (hebben een goed weekend)
Posted by
Friday, July 24, 2009
Labels: personal
July 16, 2009
Gracie Jiu jitsu vs. Team of Karate
Sorry Mom, and Dad...but man do I wish I would've been born in Brazil near this family.
Check out this film from 1975 showcasing this mind blowing martial art and just how effective it is. Almost the entire family are a bunch of anaconda constrictors, kicking ass and taking names.
And you have to admit their good sportsmanship more than makes up for the pain they inflict. Simply Amazing.
Posted by
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Labels: Gracie Jiu jitsu, mma
July 14, 2009
Jim Breuer - The Story of Goat Boy
Between Goat Boy, and Half Baked, this guy's stand up kind of got lost me thinks. I mean, IMO, he's waaay overlooked these days. Especially with all of the, "Insert name here", comedians that have ridden the back of both Jim and Dave. Again, just IMO folks.
You should make an effort to catch one of his shows when he tours again. (hopefully soon) Or at least watch a few of his clips on the UberTubes
Or just pay a visit to his site.
Posted by
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Labels: funny
July 7, 2009
Cosmo Sings the Blues
Man, the MJ memorial service was looong. And very sad. So sad in fact, here's what Cosmo had to say afterwards:
Posted by
Tuesday, July 07, 2009
July 3, 2009
On the phone with RHONJ
Courtesy of KCSCougar
Posted by
Friday, July 03, 2009
Labels: celebrities, funny, Real Housewives
June 25, 2009
RIP Michael Jackson: Aug 29 1958 - Jun 25 2009
Wow!! First Ed, then Farrah, and now Michael. I can't believe he's gone already. Even with every news channel covering him now, it feels surreal. I can remember dancing in the car whenever "Don't stop till you get enough" came on the radio when I was 7 years old. I should say, "trying" to dance like him. Watching his videos over and over again, unable to completely understand how anyone could move like he did. And then he did the moonwalk on MTV during "Billie Jean"......OMFG. That was it! I just HAD to do it. Exactly like he did. matter how many different pairs of shoes, or socks I tried....I just couldn't figure it out. Ha! Yeah, he was the man.
And there's always been the gossip, the rumors, and unfortunately the lawsuits. And even though I didn't really follow him once I moved on to junior high and high school, I never stopped being a fan. Especially during the controversial times. Any problems he had are no one's business but his own.
Did the,(Liz Taylor labeled), "King of Pop" have weaknesses and/or vices? Of course he probably did....who doesn't? He was a human being.
So for now, good night and God bless your soul Michael Jackson. You're a mega-icon of American culture, and will always be remembered that way.
He was a legend....but more importantly, a human being. (with a BIG heart)
This is the Michael Jackson that will always be in my mind's eye.......ALWAYS!!
Posted by
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Labels: celebrities, michael jackson, music, news
June 24, 2009
Real Housewife Danielle's REAL past
The smoking gun has gone and done it again. They've successfully obtained the criminal case files against Bravo's REAL HOUSEWIFE - Daniel Staub. (aka Beverly Merrill, aka Angela Minelli), detailing the charges filed against her back in '86. And unlike Danielle stated on the show about how it's "No big deal", the charges she faced were VERY much a BIG deal.
Merrill was busted in a Miami apartment in which agents discovered six kilos of cocaine and about $16,000 in cash. In a subsequent indictment, Merrill was charged with eight felonies, including extortion, cocaine possession, and narcotics conspiracy.
No big deal eh? Ha, ha, ha. Wow. At least own up to who you were and what u did bitch!
Then of course, there's the new "sex tape" scandal where her lawyer just filed to block her "26 yr old boyfriend" Steve from releasing it to the public.
EDIT: I found this comment on a article at Gawker.
At first, I was worried that this show would reflect unfavorably on my home state. But now I see that Bravo cast (1) a former prostitute, (2) the daughters of a gentleman who was, um, accidentally shot to death in the trunk of a Cadillac, (3) a woman with a stubby husband who pays for everything in cash and (4) a retarded woman-child. The real housewives of New Jersey indeed!
Posted by
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Labels: celebrities, Real Housewives, tv
June 21, 2009
In Memory of Neda
Hey all.......long time no talk here. Things have been "interesting" lately to say the least. Married life is good though, nothing like that. :) Jus life.
Anyway...I felt compelled to post on the incredible events going on in Iran , (sic: E-Ron), at this very important time in their history, had to try to convey the proper pronouncement out of respect for those fighting, and more importantly, risking their LIVES by openly opposing the Dictatorship that is the current "Supreme Leader" BS of the Ayatollah.
(Along with "I'mahdinnerjacket")
I found this article @ the BBC's news site tonight, which offers some insight on the actual "polling irregularity issues" that are being brought into light by the opposition party(s)...not Mousavi's party only. (Very good info)
Sample from article:
- "Early on polling day, the SMS network was shut down, that made me worried about what was going to happen," says Tehran journalist Ali Pahlavan.
- "Then the interior ministry [where results from polling stations around the country are collated] started kicking out its own employees so that just a skeleton personnel and the top officials were left," says Mr Pahlavan.
The beatings, killings, kidnapping going on there are CRIMES against HUMANITY. Plain and fucking simple folks. This is what happens when a minority of people take complete and unquestionable control of an entire county. Which leads me to the following:
So, don't say I didn't warn YOU!
Posted by
Sunday, June 21, 2009
June 4, 2009
Check these out!!!
Today is the greatest! Finally got our pix from the Wedding, and Oy!!! Or as a certain Housewife from Bravo would say: "Lemme tell you something about my wedding!"
These are marvelous darling! I can't imagine having to edit over 600 shots!!! Wow. I guess that's why we picked "THE BEST" photog in the area. Huh baby?
Posted by
Thursday, June 04, 2009
May 27, 2009
is the total number of Army suicides so far THIS YEAR! That's almost 13/mth!!!
OMG! Yeah, you can think whatever you want as to why so many of our soldiers are choosing this option, but when an ENTIRE BASE completely SHUTS IT'S DOORS in an attempt to prevent further suicides, it's a PROBLEM.
*Some have pointed out that the majority of these deaths were from "non-deployed" soldiers. Whatev!
Posted by
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Labels: government, iraq, society
May 26, 2009
May 18, 2009
Week ahead
Wow, this year is just flying by. Hard to believe it's almost June. So, how was your weekend? Good I hope.
We celebrated Jill's B-Day on Saturday at the Melting Pot. Good food, weird execution. But she enjoyed it, so that's all that matters.
Oh yeah, if you haven't seen Star Trek yet. Ummm, go see it.
And a little kitteh amusement for your enjoyment
Posted by
Monday, May 18, 2009
Labels: personal